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Gazeta Muzyczna i Teatralna

(Warsaw, 1865-1866)

Prepared by Barbara Zakrzewska-Nikiporczyk
1 volume* (2000)

In twenty issues, the weekly Gazeta Muzyczna i Teatralna published a column on musical activities in Warsaw, news from abroad, notices on the repertory in Warsaw’s theatres, anecdotes concerning musicians, informative letters from Prague, Lvov and Milan, reviews of Polish and foreign books as well as musical analyses (e.g., Liszt’s oratorio Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth and Münchheimer’s opera Otton Lucznik). The journal’s editor Tomasz Le Brun, a well-known author, wrote on Warsaw’s musical and theatrical life; the violinist, composer and author, Kazimierz Lada contributed a valuable series on Polish music history; August Jeske, who began publishing a series of textbooks in the journal, dealt extensively with the works of the distinguished ethnographer and composer Oskar Kolberg and wrote on the teaching of singing. Ignacy Krzyzanowski—pianist, composer, friend of Chopin and active music critic—published his recollections of the pianist and composer Józef Nowakowski which were later discussed in the journal by the composer Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyñski. Waclaw Szymanowski, playwright, translator and newspaper editor, campaigned in the journal to raise the quality of the repertory at the Warsaw Teatr Rozmaitosci. Kazimierz Wladyslaw Wójcicki—historian, ethnographer, and the author of major works on Polish culture—contributed an extensive biographical essay on the actor Alojzy Zólkowski.

* Hard bound with
