Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text
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Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full TextPRESERVATION SERIES
RIPM European and North American Music Periodicals RIPM Jazz PeriodicalsSort by Language Sort by Country
Date | Title | Language | Fulltext | Series |
Des critische Musicus an der Spree
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Kritische Briefe über die Tonkunst
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Wöchentliche Nachrichten und Anmerkungen die Musik betreffend (Leipzig, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikalisches Kunstmagazin
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musicalische Bibliothek (Marburg, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikalische Real-Zeitung
(Speier [Speyer], –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikalische Korrespondenz der teutschen Filarmonischen Gesellschaft
(Speyer, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikalisches Wochenblatt / Musikalische Monatsschrift (Berlin, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Berlinische musikalische Zeitung. Historischen und kritischen Inhalts
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Jahrbuch der Tonkunst von Wien und Prag
(Vienna, )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung
(Leipzig, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Berlinische Musikalische Zeitung
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The New Musical Magazine, Review, and Register
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musicalische Notizen
(Linz, )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musicalische Zeitung für die österreichischen Staaten
(Linz, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Wiener allgemeine musikalische Zeitung
(Vienna, )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den österreichischen Kaiserstaat (Vienna, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Amphion. Een Tijdschrift voor vrienden en beoefenaars der Toonkunst
(Groningen, –)
Dutch | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The English Musical Gazette; or, Monthly Intelligencer
(London, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Euterpeiad, or Musical Intelligencer (Boston, MA, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Tygodnik Muzyczny
(Warsaw, –)
Polish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Harmonicon
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Berliner allgemeine musikalische Zeitung
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Cäcilia, eine Zeitschrift für die musikalische Welt, herausgegeben von einem Vereine von Gelehrten, Kunstverständigen und Künstlern
(Mainz, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
I Teatri
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revue musicale
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Breslau; Berlin, –, , )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Euterpeiad
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Berliner musikalische Zeitung
(Berlin, )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Le Pianiste
(Meudon; Vaugirard, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
American Musical Journal
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Gazette musicale de Paris
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (Leipzig, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Pamietnik Muzyczny Warszawski
(Warsaw, –)
Polish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revue et Gazette musicale de Paris
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Magazine
(London, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Magazine
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Muzijkaal Tijdschrift
(The Hague, )
Dutch | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical World (London, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Boston Musical Gazette
(Boston, MA, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Le Novateur: Echo des arts
(Antwerp, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Strenna Teatrale Europea
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Review and Record of Musical Science, Literature, and Intelligence
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Nederlandsch Muzikaal Tijdschrift
(Utrecht, –)
Dutch | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Magazine
(Boston, MA, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Journal
(London, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Allgemeine Wiener Musik-Zeitung (Vienna, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musical Reporter
(Boston, MA, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Gazzetta musicale di Milano
(Milan, –, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Iberia Musical
(Madrid, )
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Examiner
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
El Anfión Matritense
(Madrid, )
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Stockholms musik-tidning
(Stockholm, –)
Swedish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Berliner musikalische Zeitung
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Caecilia. Algemeen Muzikaal Tijdschrift van Nederland
(Utrecht; Rotterdam; The Hague, –)
Dutch | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Times
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Boston Musical Review
(Boston, MA, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
L’Italia musicale
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Saroni's Musical Times (New York, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Message Bird (New York, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Bologna, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Le Diapason. Revue musicale de Bruxelles
(Brussels, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Dwight’s Journal of Music
(Boston, MA, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Gazzetta musicale di Napoli
(Naples, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Semanario Musical
(Santiago, )
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The New York Musical World (New York, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Gazzetta musicale di Firenze
(Florence, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Niederrheinische Musik-Zeitung
(Cologne, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Ny tidning för musik
(Stockholm, –)
Swedish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Hollande musicale
(The Hague, –, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Gazette
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Fliegende Blätter für Musik
(Leipzig, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Musica
(Naples, )
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Monatschrift für Theater und Musik (Vienna, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Il Teatro
(Turin, )
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Florence, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Zarzuela
(Madrid, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La España Artística
(Madrid, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Musica
(Naples, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Ruch Muzyczny (Warsaw, –) | Polish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Tidsskrift for Musik
(Copenhagen, –)
Danish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Deutsche Musik-Zeitung
(Vienna, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
L’Art musical
(Paris, –; –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Zenészeti Lapok
(Budapest, –)
Hungarian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Gaceta Musical Barcelonesa
(Barcelona, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Florence, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Prague, –)
Czech | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Standard
(London, – [First Series])
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung (Leipzig, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Jahrbücher für Musikalische Wissenschaft
(Leipzig, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Les Beaux-arts
(Montreal, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Schlesische Theater-Zeitung (Breslau, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Giornale della Societá del Quartetto di Milano
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Monthly and Repertoire of Literature, the Drama, and the Arts
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Watson's Art Journal (New York, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Gazeta Muzyczna i Teatralna
(Warsaw, –)
Polish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Armonía
(Mexico City, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Le Canada musical: Revue artistique et littéaire
(Montreal, –, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musica: Archiv für Wissenschaft, Ästhetik und Literatur der heiligen und profanen Tonkunst
(Brixen [Bressanone], , )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
New York Musical Gazette
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revista y Gaceta Musical
(Madrid, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Napoli musicale
(Naples, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Independent
(Chicago, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Melodia
(Padova, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Hudební listy
(Prague, –)
Czech | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musik
(Copenhagen, –)
Danish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Metronome
(Boston, MA, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Monthly Musical Record
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Muzykal’ny listok = Музбікальій Листок
(St. Petersburg, –)
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
A Arte Musical
(Lisbon, –; –)
Portuguese | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Chronique musicale
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Il Progresso musicale
(Rome, )
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Musica
(Naples, –; –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musician and Artist
(Boston, MA, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Nuvellist: Muzïkal’no-teatral’naya gazeta = Нувеллист: Музьікально-Театральная Газета
(St. Petersburg, –)
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Echo Muzyczne
(Warsaw, –)
Polish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Review
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Il Teatro illustrato (Milan, –) | Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musical Herald (Boston, MA, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Nordisk musik-tidende
(Christiania [Oslo], –)
Norwegian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Russkiy muzïkal'nïy vestnik = Русскій музыкальный вѣстникъ (St. Petersburg, –) | Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Svensk musiktidning (Stockholm, –) | Swedish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Arion
(Toronto, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Renaissance musicale
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikalisches Centralblatt
(Leipzig, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Archivio Musicale
(Naples, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Musica popolare
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Zenészeti Közlöny
(Budapest, )
Hungarian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Review
(London, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Lisbon, –, –)
Portuguese | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Copenhagen, –)
Danish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Kastner's Wiener Musikalische Zeitung (Vienna, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Muzïkal’noye obozrenie: Muzïkal’naya gazeta = Музьікальное Обозрение
(St. Petersburg, –)
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Quarterly Musical Review
(Manchester, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft
(Leipzig, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
L’Indépendance musicale et dramatique
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Genoa, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Meister
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Budapest, –)
Hungarian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Music: A Monthly Magazine
(Chicago, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Montreal, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Christiania [Oslo], –)
Norwegian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The New Quarterly Musical Review
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Rivista musicale italiana
(Turin; Milan, –, –, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Russkaia muzykal'naia gazeta = Русская музыкальная газета
(St. Petersburg, –)
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Skandinaviske Signaler
(Copenhagen, –)
Danish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters
(Leipzig, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Leipziger Konzertsaal (Leipzig, –) | German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Looker-On
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Cronaca musicale
(Pesaro, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Nuova musica
(Florence, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musician
(London, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Música Ilustrada Hispano-Americana (Barcelona, –) | Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revue internationale de musique
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
A Arte musical
(Lisbon, –)
Portuguese | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Chord: A Quarterly Devoted to Music
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Revue musicale (Paris, –) | French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical World
(Boston, MA, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The New Music Review and Church Music Review (New York, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musica e musicisti
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Negro Music Journal
(Washington, D.C., –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Le Mercure musical
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Neue musikalische Rundschau
(Munich, )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Wiener Zeitschrift für Musik
(Vienna, )
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Der Merker
(Vienna, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musical Antiquary
(Oxford, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Tribuna muzicală
(Bucharest, )
Romanian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Arta muzicală
(Bucharest, –)
Romanian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
L'Année musicale
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Vita musicale
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Harvard Musical Review
(Cambridge, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revue française de musique
(Lyon, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Century Opera Weekly
(New York, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Chamber Music
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Harmonia. Rivista italiana di musica
(Rome, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Het Muziekcollege
(Haarlem, –)
Dutch | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Riforma musicale
(Alessandria; Turin, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Christensen’s Ragtime Review
(Chicago, –)
English | RIPM jazz |
Preservation |
International Music and Drama
(New York, –)
English, Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
L'arte pianistica
(Naples, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Opera Magazine
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Canadian Journal of Music
(Toronto, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Khronika zhurnala "Muzykal'nyi sovremennik" = Хроника журнала «Музыкальный современник»
(St. Petersburg, –)
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Musique pendant la guerre
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Chesterian
(London, –, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Ars Nova. Pubblicazione della Società Italiana di Musica Moderna
(Rome, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Música: Album-Revista Musical
(Madrid, )
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Critica musicale
(Florence, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musica d'oggi
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikalischer Kurier
(Vienna, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikblätter des Anbruch
(Vienna, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revista Musical de México
(Mexico City, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Musician
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Scottish Musical Magazine (Edinburgh, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Der Auftakt
(Prague, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Il Pianoforte
(Turin, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Revue musicale
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Berlin, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Santiago, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Música de América
(Buenos Aires, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Eolian Review
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Fanfare: A musical causerie
(London, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Il Pensiero musicale
(Bologna, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musike Epitheoresis = Μουσική επιθεώρησις
(Athens, –)
Greek | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Nea Phorminx = Νέα φόρμιγξ
(Athens, –)
Greek | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Cultura musicale
(Bologna, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Muziek-warande: tijdschrift voor muziekminnende Vlamingen
(Brussels, –)
Dutch | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Baton
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Muzïkalʹnaya nov = Музыкальная новь
(Moscow, –)
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Pro-Musica Quarterly (New York, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revue Pleyel
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
El Sonido 13 (Mexico City, –) | Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Modern Music (New York, –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Music: Illustrated Monthly Review
(New York, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musica e scena
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Música: Revista de artes
(Lisbon, –)
Portuguese | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Vienna, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Muzïkal'naya kul'tura = Музыкальная культура
(Moscow, )
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Note d'archivio per la storia musicale
(Rome, –, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Sovremennaya muzyka = Современная музыка
(Moscow, –)
Russian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musika Chronika = Μουσικά Χρονικά
(Athens, , –)
Greek | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
De Muziek
(Amsterdam, –)
Dutch | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Vita musicale italiana
(Naples, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Revista de Música
(Buenos Aires, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Revista Musical
(Guatemala City, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musique: Revue mensuelle de critique, d'histoire, d'esthétique et d'information musicales
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Fortnightly Musical Review
(New York, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Gaceta Musical
(Paris, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Havana, –, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Rassegna Dorica
(Milan, –)
Italian | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Lima, )
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musica: Revista Mexicana
(Mexico City, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musik und Gesellschaft
(Mainz, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musike Zoe = Μουσική Ζωή
(Athens, –)
Greek | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
23. Eine Wiener Musikzeitschrift
(Vienna, –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Santiago, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musical Mercury
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Boletín Latino-Americano de Música
(Montevideo; Lima; Bogotá; Rio de Janiero, –, , )
Spanish, Portuguese | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Music Front
(New York, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Music Vanguard
(New York, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Cultura Musical
(Mexico City, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musikblätter der Sudetendeutschen
(Brno [Brünn], –)
German | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Bulletin of the American Composers Alliance (New York, , –) | English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revista Musical Peruana
(Lima, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Boletín del Instituto Mexicano de Musicología y Folklore
(Mexico City, )
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Revista Musical
(San José, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Vie musicale angevine (Angers, –) | French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Milwaukee, )
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Middlebury, VT; New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Revue musicale de France
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Nuestra Música
(Mexico City, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Composer's News Record
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
La Música
(Havana, –)
Spanish | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Musique contemporaine
(Paris, –)
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
Domaine musicale
(Paris, )
French | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Juilliard Review
(New York, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |
The Lyric. A Review of Serious Music
(Los Angeles, –)
English | RIPM ft |
Annotated |