Muzyka i teatr = Музыка и Театръ. Газета Спецiадьно-Критическая
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2017)

Editor: А. Сѣровъ. [A. Serov]
Printer: А. Головачова [A. Golovachova]
Periodicity: Fortnightly
"The principles of intelligent musical criticism were continued in such journals as Muzyka i Teatr. Gazeta specia’no kriticeskaja [Music and Theatre. A Gazette specifically devoted to criticism] edited by Aleksandr Serov and published by his wife over the period 1867-68, and Muzyka’nyj sezon. Gazeta kriticeskaja [The Musical Season. A critical Gazette], edited by Aleksandr Famintsyn and published by Ioganson (Johanson) in 1869/70-1870/71. Both were published in St Petersburg, Music and Theatre often being described as the first Russian music journal of serious content."
Gerald Seaman, “Contemporary Music as Revealed in Nineteenth Century Russian Periodicals,” Revista de Musicologia 16, no. 3 (1993): 1674.
"Muzyka i Teatr. Gazeta special’no kriticeskaja [Music and theatre. Newspaper specially devoted to criticism]. St Petersburg, 1867-68. Pub. V.S. Serova, ed. A.N. Serov. Fortnightly. Serov's articles occupy an important place in Russian musicology of the period and this periodical served as a vehicle for their expression. It is the first Russian music journal of serious content No. 1 (1867) is 16 pp. in length; it consists of a Foreword, an article "Ruslan and the Ruslanists," a Chronicle, Rumours and News, and Advertisements."
Gerald Seaman, “Nineteenth-Century Russiao Music Periodicals An Annotated Checklist: Part I” Periodica Musica 2 (Spring 1984): 15.