Le Pianiste
Prepared by Doris Pyee
1 volume (2004)

Le Pianiste was published monthly in Paris from 10 November 1833 until 20 October 1835 by Librairie J. Delacour in Meudon and Vaugirard. The entire journal is printed in a two-column format. Although it was short-lived, Le Pianiste remains of great documentary interest. Fétis notes that “its articles are remarkable because of the ingenuity of their observations.” No director or editor is officially mentioned. Charles Chaulieu is the only author who signed his contributions. Chaulieu studied at the Paris Conservatory with Louis Adam and Catel and, in 1835, obtained first prizes in harmony and piano. Thereafter he devoted himself to pedagogy. In 1833, the journal published nine chapters of his Cours analytique de théorie. PIA also reviews Chaulieu’s other pedagogical works: Le Journal des jeunes pianistes (1833), L’École primaire du piano (1834).
During its first year of publication, PIA deals exclusively with the piano and piano music. Each issue begins with the portrait of a pianist. Thereafter follow in a flexible order, “Notices” or biographical notes, “Analyses,” “Chroniques,” “Annonces motivées” and “Annonces simples.” PIA offers several biographical notices on, for example, the Couperin dynasty, the Bach family, the three Scarlattis and Mozart. “Analyses” consist of in-depth studies of piano compositions, among which are Chopin’s Études and J.-N. Hummel’s Grandes Études. The “Analyses” sections also contain reviews of piano methods by, among others, F. Hunten and Brovellio (Leçons pratiques de musique appliquée à l’enseignement du piano). Concert reviews are featured in the “Chronique\" section which treat, among others, the Colbert matinées directed by the Tilmant brothers, concerts in the salons of piano makers such as Pape and Petzold, and a joint concert by the keyboard giants F. Liszt and F. Hiller.