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Pamietnik Muzyczny Warszawski

(Warsaw, 1835-1836)

Prepared by Barbara Zakrzewska-Nikiporczyk
1 volume* (2000)

Producing 109 pages in six numbers, Pamietnik Muzyczny Warszawski appeared during the years of Polish social, economic and cultural renewal. The journal’s editor, Count Józef Cichocki, was an amateur musician, and the leading organizer of musical life in Warsaw in the 1830s and 1840s. Of particular interest is a series of articles on Warsaw’s musical life and notices treating musical activities in other Polish cities. There are also several biographical articles dealing with composers. Each number concludes with music by Polish and foreign composers, mainly for piano or for solo voice with piano accompaniment. Contributions to the journal are unsigned, however, it is likely that all original articles and reports were written by Cichocki.

* Hard bound with
