Tidsskrift for Musik
Prepared by Kirsti Grinde
Introduction by Eva-Brit Fanger
1 volume* (1997)

During the first half of the nineteenth century there had been scattered attempts to create on ongoing Danish music periodical. With the establishment of several new music institutions in the capital—the Musikforeningen in 1836, the Studentersangforeningen in 1839 and the CF ciliaforeningen in 1851—a music public and a readership came to exist in Copenhagen. Tidsskrift for Musik [Journal for music] was published in Copenhagen between 1857 and 1859 by the firm of its editor Immanuel Rée, and printed by I. G. Salomon.
Immanuel Rée, whose antecedents were one of the oldest Jewish families in Denmark, opened a book and music shop and established a publishing house in Copenhagen in the mid 1850s. Tidsskrift for Musik soon followed. In his introduction to the journal, Rée outlined the proposed content: leading articles about music in general, announcements of new music, reviews of performances, and, news from abroad. Lead articles are often translations from German publications; among these are articles by writers such as Gustav Schilling. Rée’s translation of Franz Brendel’s Geschichte der Musik appeared in a series during the first year of publication. Another journal from which Rée borrowed was the Swedish periodical Ny tidning för Musik. Danish contributors to the journal include theatre historian Thomas Overskou on Beethoven’s symphonies and Hans Hagen Nyegaard on the Wagnerian music drama. In the last year of publication there are biographies of Beethoven, Schumann, Meyerbeer and Czerny. Reviews of concerts are an important feature; lists and reviews of newly published Danish music are found on a regular basis.
* Hard bound with
- Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musik (Copenhagen, 1871-1873)
- Musikbladet (Copenhagen, 1884-1895)
- Skandinaviske Signaler (Copenhagen, 1894-1895)