Bayan = Баянъ
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2013)
Periodicity: Weekly with monthly printed supplements
Publisher: A. A. Astaf'ev, A.I. Chernova, P.P. Veimarn
Language: Russian
A very rare journal, one which has been cited in secondary literature as important but previously unseen,1 Bayan (Баянъ) was edited by Alexander Adrianovich Astafiev and composer and critic Pavel Platonovich Veimarn. Previously Astavfiev was editor of the Russkiy muzïkal'nïy vestnik (Русскій музыкальный вѣстникъ) from 1880 to 1884. Bayan provides articles on diverse musical topics including theory, harmony, and musical history; reviews of concerts; a chronicle of musical activities in Russia and in Europe; and advertising. A musical supplement was included for subscribers; although these works are not reproduced here owing to their unavailability, the musical works are listed in each issue.
1 Gerald Seaman stated "The present writer has not seen a copy of this journal, but the fact that it is considered worthy of mention by both pre-Revolutionary and Soviet scholars suggests that its contents merit further investigation." "Nineteenth-Century Russian Periodicals: An Annotated Checklist." Periodica musica 2 (Spring 1984): 15.