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Chorizos y Polacos: Revista festiva teatral

(Madrid, 1882-1883)

RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2017)

Printers: Enrique Teodoro, 1882; Maroto é Hijos, 1883

Periodicity: 36 issues, publication varies

Owner: P. Yañez-Caballero

Director: M. Reinante Hidalgo

A satirical journal, Chorizos y Polacos contains theatrical, musical, and political commentary and regular caricatures. The journal’s title references disputes which would arise among theatrical performers, writers and audiences in the eighteenth century. The opposing sides were dubbed “chorizos” and “polacos”; as such, the journal’s masthead depicts two gentleman in the midst of a dispute. The journal is not to be confused with a similarly-titled zarzuela composed by Francisco Asenjo Barbieri in 1876.

“Good morning, beloved public; good morning, enlightened colleagues; happy days, respectable companies, appreciable actors, silvables and applaudable authors: there were few newspapers and… Chorizos y Polacos came out, you can all say; But as soon as you hear two words that I will say in your ear, you are going to be convinced that it was necessary, indispensable, that a newspaper of my date and my appearance should come to visit you.”

“Buenos dias.” Chorizos y Polacos 1, no. 1 (19 June 1882): 2.

Translation of: “Buenos dias, amado público; buenos dias, ilustrados colegas; felices dias, respectables empresas, apreciables actores, silvables y aplaudibles autores: eran pocos los periódicos y… salió Chorizos y Polacos, podreis decir todos; pero en cuanto escucheis dos palabras que yo os diré al oido, os vais á convencer de que era preciso, indispensable, que un periodico de mi fecha y de me facha viniera á visitaros.”
