Gusle = Гусле
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2023)
Гусле: Званично гласило Савеза Српсних Певаччих Друштава [Gusle: Official newsletter of the Association of Serbian Singing Societies]
Editor: Đura Cvejić
“The official journal of the Association of Serbian Choral Societies, Gusle (1911-14) reported on the work and performances not only of Serbian choral societies, but also information about musical life, especially among choral societies abroad which they took as their model. Serbian cultural and musical writings of the nineteenth century found aspects of contemporary musical life in German countries and the Habsburg Monarchy not only familiar, but also worthy of emulation.”
Tatjana Marković, “Choral Societies and National Mobilization in the Serbian (Inter)national Network” in Choral Societies and Nationalism in Europe, edited by Krisztina Lajosi and Andreas Stynen (Brill, 2015): 225–40, at 236.