Gazeta dos Theatros
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2013)
Periodicity: Not regular: monthly and occasionally 2 issues in a month
Publisher: Agencia Litteraria e Theatral
Language: Portuguese
Lacunae: Vol. 2 No. 17 (1876). No copies could be located.
“Gazeta dos Theatros today promotes its publication, not with the intention of criticizing the newspaper nor with pompous promises, but only and modestly as a newspaper of advertisements and news, littereries and theaters. As an organ of the Agencia Litteraria e Theatral, it proposes to give the greatest publicity to all subjects that may be useful to literature in general and to dramatic art in particular.”
From the journal’s untitled prospectus; Gazeta dos Theatros 1, no. 1 (23 April 1875): 1.
Translation of: “A Gazeta dos Theatros inceta hoje a sua publicação , não com pretenção a jornal de critica nem com pomposas promessas, mas unica e modestamente como jornal de anúncios e noticias, litterarias e theatraes. Como orgão da Agencia Litteraria e Theatral propõe-se a dar a maior publicidade a todos os assuntos que possam ser uteis à litteratura em geral e á arte dramatica em particular.”