Musical Canada
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2014)
Periodicity: Monthly
Language: English CAN
Continues: The Violin (Toronto, 1906-1907)
"The original name - The Violin - was changed in 1907 to Musical Canada. One of the longest-lived Canadian music magazines, it was owned until 1920 by [Edwin R.] Parkhurst, 1920-8 by A. L. Robertson (with Augustus Bridle, H. Cecil Fricker, and Robertson as succesive editors), 1928-33 by C. F. Thiele, and briefly by Gordon V. Thompson. (It fell victim to the Depression in 1933 before Thompson was able to put out his first issue.) ...
"During the Parkhurst era, Musical Canada was essentially a 'journal of musical news and comments' devoted to concert reports and news about performers. Later it became increasingly a combination of sections which served special-interest groups. In 1924 Robertson incorporated The Canadian Bandsman and Orchestra Journal (which he had edited previously as a house publication of R. S. Williams & Co.) and in 1928 the CCO began to use Musical Canada as its bulletin, as did the music section of the Ontario Educators Association. When Thiele acquired the journal he moved its offices to Waterloo, Ont. Enlarging the format he inserted sheet music, much of it copyrighted by his Waterloo Music Co., into each issue. Composers included Frederick Egner, Ernest Dainty, Albert Ham, Clifford Higgin, A. W. Hughes, W. O. Forsyth, Leslie Grossmith (whose Air de Ballet won a Musical Canada contest and was printed in the June 1929 issue), Luigi von Knuits, Louis Waizman, and other Canadian and foreign composers. Of historical importance is a series (1928-33) of biographical essays by H. C. Hamilton on Canadian musicians."
Helmut Kallmann, "Musical Canada" in Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, ed. Helmut Kallmann, Gilles Potvin, and Kenneth Winters (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981): 655-56.