Il Mondo Artistico
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2021)
“Two newspapers specially devoted to music were founded, one in Florence, under the title La Melodia, the other in Milan, entitled Il Mondo artistico. The first was unable to prolong its existence and died out after six months; the second is barely two months old, and is under the direction of Dr. Filippo Filippi, distinguished composer, musical feuilletoniste of the excellent Milanese newspaper Perseveranza. [...] Newspapers worthy of esteem continue to be; in Milan, La Gazzetta musicale, Il Trovatore and Il Mondo artistico; in Venice ..., La Scena; in Florence, Le Boccherini; in Naples, La Gazzetta musicale.”
-Almanach de la musique 1868, (Paris: Alfred Ikelmer, 1868), 88.
Translation of: “Deux journaux spécialement consacrés à la musique ont été fondés, l'un à Florence, sous ce titre, la Melodia, l'autre à Milan, intitulé il Mondo artistico. Le premier n'a pu prolonger son existence et s'est éteint au bout de six mois; le second date de deux mois à peine, et est placé sous la direction de M. le docteur Filippo Filippi, compositeur distingué, feuilletoniste musical de l excellent journal milanais la Perseveranza. [...] Les journaux dignes d'estime continuent d'être; à Milan, la Gazzetta musicale, il Trovatore et il Mondo artistico; à Venise (où elle s'est transportée depuis peu), la Scena; à Florence, le Boccherini; à Naples, la Gazzetta musicale.”
Concerning the editor, Filippo Filippi: “In the periodicals La Perseveranza, Gazzetta Musicale di Milano, and Il Mondo Artistico (he founded this last in 1867), and in his collected essays Viaggio and Secondo Viaggio musicale nelle regioni dell’ avvenire (German translation 1876) and Music e Musicisti, he strove untiringly, not so much to expose the weak points of Italian opera as to emphasize the coexistence of German genius, and to get at the essence of German music. His chief demand might be briefly stated in the sentence, Whoever would criticise Wagner, should know him first.”
Oscar Sonneck, “Signs of A New Uplift in Italy’s Musical Life,” in Suum Cuique: Essays in Music (London: G. Schirmer, 1916): 239.