Muzijkaal Tijdschrift
Prepared by Gert Floor
Online only (2014)
Muzijkaal Tijdschrift [Musical periodical, MUT], published monthly in 1836 by Hooff en Comp. in The Hague, is the second music journal to be published in The Netherlands, after the publication of Amphion (1818-1822). Ten issues, each of thirty-two pages and a double issue of sixty-four pages, all measuring 13.5 x 22 cm. constitute this journal. In addition, there are three supplements: two music supplements, and a forty-four page supplement at the conclusion of the last issue. The latter contains reports of the annual meeting of De Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst [The Society for the promotion of the art of music] in which the achievements of the society, founded in 1829, are discussed.
The principal editor E. G. Lagemans, a music lover, had a Ph.D. in Law, and was author of an important book entitled Recueil des traités et conventions conclus par le Royaume des Pays-Bas avec les puissances étrangères depuis 1813 jusqu'à nos jours [Collection of treatises and conventions realized by the Kingdom of the Netherlands with the foreign powers from 1813 until the present day]. Lagemans held a position in field of interior affairs for the Dutch government, and was President and a temporary member of the national board of The Hague branch of De Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst. In addition, Lagemans was principal editor of the Nederlandsche Staats-courant [The Netherlands state-courier] published in The Hague. In his introduction to Muzijkaal Tijdschrift, Lagemans expresses the need for a Dutch journal completely devoted to the interests of music. He appreciates receiving opinions from other writers as long as they are signed.
Each issue contains a series of articles about the theoretical and practical facts related to the art of music: Opmerkingen voor organisten [Remarks for organists]; Over zangvereenigingen [About song societies]; Over muzikale voordracht [About musical performance]; Gedachten over het dirigeren [Thoughts about conducting]; Over de beoordeeling van muzijkwerken en toonkunstenaars [About the criticism of music works and musicians]; Over de mutatie van de stem [About voice mutation], and reviews of performances and published music by Dutch composers and writers. Other articles contain noteworthy news from abroad, for example, the première of Meyerbeer’s Les Huguenots in Paris. There are biographical sketches of important musicians: Johann Gottlieb Naumann, violinist and composer (1741-1801), Carl Maria von Weber, Christoph Willibald von Gluck, Handel and Beethoven, as well as critical reviews of concerts by De Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst and other musical events in both The Netherlands and abroad. The two musical supplements contain the Dutch songs "Aan Mina" [To Mina] and "De kleine bedelaarster" [The Little Beggar-Girl].
Apart from the contributions by the editor, most articles are unsigned. However, two authors appear on a more or less regular basis: Dr. Florentius Cornelus Kist (1796-1863), a medical doctor, composer and writer about music, editor of a later music periodical Het Nederlandsch Muzikaal Tijdschrift (1841-1844), and founder and editor of the music journal Caecilia (1844-1863). Kist was president of the Utrecht department of De Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst. The other contributor, Anthonie Kist (1786-1841), received flute lessons with Drouet, but was a violoncellist, singer, conductor and writer on music as well. A. Kist was founder of the Dordrecht department of De Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst.
The Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst, which still exists in The Netherlands, takes a very important position in this journal. In the calendar of MUT, the Society is mentioned twenty-seven times with announcements and reports or reviews on the principal musical events (muziekfeesten) and remarks about the concerts of the minor departments of the society. In principle, the society promised its support to the journal, but after some alienating decision making by Lagemans, the journal became less popular and was forced to cease publication owing to financial problems.