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New York Weekly Review

(New York, 1865-1873)

RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2020)

Editors: C. B. Seymour, Theodore Hagen, Zavarr Wilmshurst

Periodicity: Weekly

Publisher: Theodore Hagen

Language: English

Previous Title: New York Weekly Review of Music, Literature, Fine Arts and Society

Lacunae: Vol. 19 no. 26; Vol. 23 no. 743; Vol. 24 nos. 753-755, 761-762. A copy of these issues could not be located.

At the beginning of 1865, Theodore Hagen reshaped his Musical Review and Musical World into the New York Weekly Review, a four page broadsheet publication focused largely on music. For the first thirty issues, the journal was edited by C. B. Seymour, music critic for the New York Times, and published by Hagen; afterwards Hagen assumed both roles. The journal published copious musical news and reviews in addition to literature and commentary on issues of the day. The journal was distributed widely; notably, the young Mark Twain, then in San Francisco, contributed some of his earliest known publications to the New York Weekly Review in 1865-1866. This journal – last of a line of publications begun in 1850 with the Choral Advocate – ceased not long after Hagen’s death in 1871.
