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Gudalo = Гудало

(Velika Kikinda, 1886-1887)

RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2013)

Editor: Milan Petrović

Periodicity: Monthly

Publisher: Društvo za negovanje muzike "Gusle"

Language: Serbian

“This concept is clearly indicated already in some writings of the Croatian music historian and folklorist Franjo Ksaver Kuhač (1834-1911) from the last third of the nineteenth century. His preferred method of work was a comparative examination of music traditions of all southern Slav (cf. Kuhač 1887-1882; 1878-1881; 1875). However, his historiographic canon was in its core dominated by Croatian nationalism, and guided by the notion of the “national music” that he understood to be “characteristic of each nation, and reflecting specific features of that nation which as different from any other nations” (Kuhač 1869, 2 July: 1). He thought that music affinities were inherited through the blood, and that therefore anybody who was Croatian belonged to the Croatian canon regardless of his location. Franjo Kuhač cooperated with Czech and Serbian composers, musicians and music writers, among others with Robert Tollinger (1859-1911), who established the first Serbian professional music journal Gudalo (1886-1887) (cf. Marković 2009).”

Zdravko Blažeković, Tatjana Marković, and Leon Stefanija, “Repackaging Heroes: Emerging Identities of (Post-) Yugoslav Music,” in Best of ISA Science 2013-2016: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Essays on Music and Arts, ed. by Ursula Hemetek and Cornelia Szabó-Knotik (Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2017): 161-81.
