Muzičke Novosti
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2017)

Editors: Tomislav Kuljiš, Rudolf Matz
Periodicity: Monthly
“Muzičke Novosti will have several regular columns, in which it will bring news about concert life in Zagreb, in the People's Republic of Croatia and about important events in other republics of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. foreign radio stations. A special section will be dedicated to music education and student productions in Zagreb and the province. In each issue, one character of our prominent musicians with biographical data will be presented on two pages. We will bring articles from the history of music, about the construction of musical instruments and about newly published musicals. A special place will be occupied by official and informative news from the Association of Music, associations, as well as news from individual associations. We will also include letters from our readers, and we will be grateful for any suggestions sent to us by our readers in order to improve our paper.”
Redakcioni kolegij [Editorial board], “Zašto izlaze Muzičke Novosti.” Muzičke Novosti 1, no. 1 (January 1953): 1-2, at 2.
Translation of: “Muzičke Novosti imat će nekoliko stalnih rubrike, u kojima će donositi vijesti o koncertnom životu u Zagrebu, u NR Hrvatskoj i o važnijim priredbama u ostalim republikama FNRJ važnije vijest o radu opera u Zagrebu, Osijeku, Rijeci i Splitu a dati će i pregled najvažnijih izvedaba na inozemnim radio stanicama. Posebna rubrika bit će posvećena muzičkom školstvu i učeničkim produkcijama u Zagrebu i pokrajini. U svakom broju bit će iznesen na dvije stranice po jedan lik naših istaknutih muzičara s biografskim podacima. Donosit ćemo članke iz povijesti muzike, o gradnji muzičkih instrumentata i o novoizašlim muzikalijama. Posebno mjesto zauzimat će službene i informativne vijest iz Saveza muzičkih, udruženja, kao i vijest pojedinih udružnja. Uvrstit ćemo i dopise naših čitalaca, a zahvalni ćemo biti za svaku sugestiju, koju će nam poslati naši čitaoci u svrhu poboljšanja našeg lista.”